Course curriculum

    1. Introduction: Welcome and Course Overview

    2. How to use this course

    3. Accessing Resources

    1. Module 1 Introduction

    2. Appreciation and a Strengths-Based Perspective

    3. Definition of a Paraeducator

    4. Paraeducator Responsibilities

    5. SPED legislation and the IEP.pdf

    6. Inclusion

    7. Confidentiality

    8. Module 1: Key Takeaways

    9. Module 1: Checking for Understanding

    1. Module 2: Introduction

    2. Prompting

    3. Facilitating Student Independence

    4. Prompting Activity

    5. Adaptations: Accommodations and Modifications

    6. Grid of Nine Activity

    7. Module 2 Checking for Understanding

    1. Module 3: Introduction

    2. Executive Functioning: Definition and Components

    3. Executive Functioning: Think and Share

    4. Social Thinking

    5. Module 3: Checking for Understanding

    1. Module 4: Introduction

    2. Cycle of Impact

    3. Function of Behavior:The ABC of Behavior Management

    4. Function of Behavior: Classroom Example

    5. Function of Behavior: Classroom Example Continued

    6. Crisis Prevention: Stages of Behavior Escalation

    7. Offering Choices

    8. Offering Choices Practice

    9. Offering Choices Examples

    10. Setting Limits

    11. Setting Limits Activity

    12. Module 4: Checking for Understanding

    1. Additional Resources and Next Steps

    2. Discussion Board Activity: Questions

About this course

  • Free
  • 38 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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